Quick transaction entry. Setting up to sync is so easy, and daily sync is done automatically. Quite comfortable for me. Editing existing transaction is not so cool, but it works well. FYI desktop version of Moneydance supports plugins and API, so you can manage transactions by yourself.
25 Jun 2014 - 2.0 is finally out. UI is not so different from the older one, but it is more responsive. No action is required for migration. I like it.
2 Jul 2014 - Oops, there is a bug relating date in New Teansaction screen. Transaction date shown above the date selector is sometimes different from the selectors value by exactly 1 day. However the generated transaction holds the selectors value correctly. I suspect this bug has any relation with time zone, because The Infinite Kind, MD developer, seems to be a UK company which has no gap between local time and UTC. Hope quick fix.
26 Oct 2014 - The date-related bug shown above has been fixed days ago. Now this app is essential for me.
11 Mar 2015 - The date bug has come back. I have difficulties to use this app before 09:00 a.m. everyday in Japan. Again, hope quick fix.
このアプリはあくまでもデスクトップ版 Moneydance のコンパニオンアプリなので、最初に同期設定しないと使えません。わけわかめな人はデスクトップ版も使いましょう。
linxs.org about Moneydance, v2.9